
Rhode Island Homeschooling Laws and Resources

If you’re contemplating homeschooling in Rhode Island, this article is an excellent place to start. We’ve summarized some of the important state guidelines and requirements to help your homeschool succeed.

Homeschooling in Rhode Island Overview 

Notice of Intent Required: Yes

1 Option for Homeschooling: Home Education

Subject or Curriculum Requirements: Yes

Attendance Age Requirements: 6-17

Record-Keeping Requirements: Depends on District

Assessments or Evaluations Required: No

Proof of Immunization Required: No

Table of Contents

How to Start Homeschooling in Rhode Island

Rhode Island is a welcoming state for homeschooling families. The state and school districts provide a supportive environment to ease the process. Parents can tailor their child’s education to their specific needs and interests with the added benefit of flexibility in scheduling that can suit various family requirements and learning styles. 

Before you decide to homeschool in Rhode Island, it’s a great idea to learn the expectations and requirements for homeschoolers in the state.

TIP: Homeschoolers in Rhode Island will primarily have communication with their local school district, as the state maintains little oversight over homeschools and delegates this responsibility to school district committees.

With this in mind, your first step towards independently homeschooling will be submitting a Letter of Intent (LOI) to the school district committee and acquiring an approval in return.

Submitting a Letter of Intent (LOI) to Homeschool in Rhode Island

Once you’ve decided to homeschool, you must notify the local school district of your decision. You will submit a letter to the school district committee informing them that you have chosen to homeschool your child for the current school year.

Use this LOI template to help you easily craft your notice.

Your LOI should include your contact information, child’s information, proposed curriculum, and an agreement to follow all homeschooling requirements. Before you can begin your homeschool, you must get an approval letter from your school district committee.

Once you receive your approval letter, you can withdraw your student from school and begin educating at home!

Qualifications to Homeschool in Rhode Island

You are not required to have any special licenses or certifications to homeschool your child in Rhode Island. You must only be willing and able to provide thorough and efficient instruction to your homeschooled child. Being your child’s parent or guardian qualifies you to know best how to teach them. 

All home educators need to be aware of what’s required of them in order to educate at home. Rhode Island has clear policies regarding attendance, standardized testing, immunizations, subject requirements, and record keeping. We have summarized the most important rules to help ensure your school stays in compliance with Rhode Island’s laws.

Rhode Island Homeschool Subject Requirements

Rhode Island state law requires that homeschooled children receive effective instruction in the following:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Geography
  • Arithmetic
  • U.S. History
  • Rhode Island History
  • Health
  • Physical Education

In high school, students must also learn about the U.S. and Rhode Island Constitutions.

Though there are subject requirements, the state and school districts do not mandate specific methods, materials, or curricula to be used in the delivery of instruction. This leaves homeschoolers great flexibility in their education. 

Rhode Island Homeschool Attendance & Age Requirements  

Compulsory education laws are in place from ages 6 to 17 in Rhode Island. Homeschooling fulfills education requirements when in compliance with local regulations.

Homeschoolers are required to attend school for the same amount of time as their public school peers. Home educators will need to contact their local school district for information on mandated instruction hours. 

TIP: In Rhode Island, school must typically be in session 5 ½ hours each day for 180 days each school year.

Rhode Island Homeschool Record-Keeping Requirements 

Each school district may have its own documentation requirements. You will need to confirm requirements with your specific school district committee to ensure compliance and alleviate any potential problems.

All homeschool families can benefit by keeping robust records. Plan to have a file with your child’s attendance records, course transcripts, test scores, immunization records, and examples of coursework. 

Many Rhode Island school districts require an end-of-year report from homeschooling families, and keeping clear records will streamline this process for you.


Rhode Island Homeschool Assessments and Evaluations 

As an independent homeschooler in Rhode Island, you are not required to participate in standardized testing. Some homeschoolers engage in private testing to determine academic proficiency, but it is not required. 

Required Immunizations for Homeschoolers in Rhode Island

Homeschoolers in Rhode Island are not required to be immunized. If your child receives immunizations, it is recommended to maintain those records in your homeschool files.

Resources for Homeschool Families in Rhode Island

Rhode Island is a state with many resources for homeschooling families. If you’re seeking support, entertainment, or educational opportunities to connect with other homeschooling families, there are numerous options available. Local organizations can be a valuable resource, connecting families with highly-recommended evaluators to assist with their homeschooling journey.

Homeschool Groups and Co-ops in Rhode Island

Joining or creating a homeschool group or co-op in Rhode Island can bring your family advantages and a sense of fulfillment.

A homeschool group fosters a community among homeschooling families, allowing children to socialize with peers and participate in group activities like field trips or physical education classes. As a home educator, you can join online groups for support and guidance and connect with experienced homeschoolers.

On the other hand, a homeschool co-op allows home educators to share the teaching responsibilities by collaborating with other adults with specific skills and expertise. Children can consistently learn alongside other homeschoolers and benefit from various teaching styles and personalities.

If you’re looking for a homeschool group in Rhode Island, starting your search online is best. Here are some popular homeschool groups and co-ops in Rhode Island:

RI Homeschooling and Unschooling (Rhode Island)

RI Homeschoolers

Northern Rhode Island Homeschoolers

Wild + Free Rhode Island

Homeschool Organizations and Associations

Homeschool organizations and associations in Rhode Island have a more formal structure than homeschool groups or co-ops.

These organizations provide extensive support and assistance to homeschooling families, including information, resources, legal support, advocacy efforts, and a variety of events.

There are two state-wide homeschool associations in Rhode Island. If you’re interested in membership in a formal organization, check out ENRICHri or Rhode Island Guild of Home Teachers (RIGHT). Both organizations are dedicated to empowering homeschooling families with support and knowledge regardless of religion.

Sports Opportunities for Homeschoolers in Rhode Island

 Homeschoolers in Rhode Island have access to public school sports. They must meet the same academic and attendance requirements as their public school peers and have approval by the school to join a school team. 

TIP: If your child is interested in participating in public school sports, we recommend connecting with the local school to determine try-out dates and understand their specific requirements.

If joining a public school team does not align with your homeschool goals, many other avenues exist to enjoy sports and athletics. We recommend exploring offerings at the local YMCA and community recreation centers.

Here are some popular organizations for homeschool athletics.

Group Name & Website 
What Sports They Cover 
What Area In Rhode Island 
Rock climbing, yoga
Johnston, Woonsocket, Providence, West Warwick
Ninja obstacles
East Greenwich

Rhode Island Homeschool Field Trips 

Rhode Island is a small state, but it packs a big punch when it comes to unique homeschool field trip opportunities. Homeschooling families can take advantage of the state’s rich history, natural beauty, and cultural offerings to create memorable and educational experiences for their children. Here are just a few of the many unique homeschool field trips available in Rhode Island.

  • The Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence offers homeschool programs that include animal encounters, behind-the-scenes tours, and hands-on learning opportunities.
  • The Slater Mill Historic Site in Pawtucket is the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution in America and offers guided tours, interactive exhibits, and educational programs on topics like textiles and machinery.
  • The Herreshoff Marine Museum in Bristol features exhibits on the history of boatbuilding and sailing, as well as hands-on workshops and classes.

Whether you’re interested in history, science, or the arts, there’s something for every homeschooling family to enjoy in the Ocean State. So pack a lunch, fill up your tank, and enjoy an educational adventure! 

Special Education Homeschoolers

For families homeschooling in Rhode Island, no laws specifically state that students are entitled to special education services. The Homeschooling FAQs put out by the Rhode Island Department of Education indicate that families should contact their local school’s Special Education Department to determine how the child’s needs will be met. However, without special wording in place to classify homeschooling children as private school students or to grant them special education services, the local school district is not required to provide any supports. 

How Homeschool+ Curriculum Can Help You Homeschool in Rhode Island

Homeschool+ Curriculum programs can help you teach required subjects in Rhode Island. It includes fully adaptive math and reading programs for children ages 4 to 8; twelve online courses covering art, science, social studies, and more; and robust home educator tools that support your unique homeschool. Each course is customizable and created by curriculum experts.

The freedom and flexibility of Homeschool+ extend to the Home Educator Tools, which include a progress tracker for each child and a lesson planner. 

The Lesson Planner lets you customize the Homeschool+ curriculum by adding, removing, or moving lessons to meet the unique needs of your homeschool. Complete Lesson Plans support offline learning, providing three levels of exploration to take learning into the real world.

Your passion for homeschooling plus our powerful mastery curriculum can help your child build a strong foundation for success.

Learn more about the Homeschool+ Curriculum programs and how they can help your homeschoolers learn and grow.

Rhode Island Homeschool FAQ

How much does it cost to homeschool in Rhode Island?

Registering as homeschoolers in Rhode Island is free of charge.

The cost of homeschooling is subjective and varies from family to family. However, there are several cost-saving measures available to homeschoolers. 

TIP: Take advantage of your local public library, which can provide access to books, educational materials, curricula, and even educational events and activities.

Many establishments have discounts or tailored programs for homeschoolers or field trips. Before heading out on a field trip, call the organization or business to see what homeschool discount they might offer.

Is Rhode Island homeschool friendly?

Rhode Island is a very homeschool-friendly state. There are required subjects but no mandated curriculum or specified delivery method for instruction. The school districts are supportive while allowing flexibility in home education.

How do Rhode Island homeschoolers get a diploma?  

Home educators in Rhode Island determine the graduation criteria for their child. You get to decide on a graduation framework, when your requirements are met, and issue a diploma!

When you’re curating a graduation plan for your high-schooler, it’s highly recommended that you research the graduation prerequisites that align with your child’s post-high school objectives, such as pursuing an apprenticeship, attending college or technical school, or enlisting in the military.

How do I enroll my child in public school after homeschooling in Rhode Island? 

Not all families choose to homeschool long-term. It’s important to know the process for enrolling your child in public school if you choose to transition away from homeschooling.

TIP: If you choose to enroll in public school, you will need to notify the school district committee of this decision. 

Each school district will have unique processes associated with enrollment and in determining which grade level your child belongs. Some school districts may require your child to take a placement test.

Having thorough records of coursework and academic proficiency can help the school correctly place your child. 

Is unschooling legal in Rhode Island?

Rhode Island requires every homeschooler to receive instruction for a specific number of hours in mandatory school subjects and submit end-of-year reports.

Although unschooling is not prohibited in Rhode Island, home educators must consider whether they can meet the state’s statutory requirements in an unschooling format.

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