
New Hampshire Homeschooling Laws and Resources

Thinking about homeschooling in New Hampshire? Check out this overview of New Hampshire’s homeschool laws and get the tools, resources, and information that can help you get started.

Homeschooling in New Hampshire Overview 

Notice of Intent Required: Yes

1 Option for Homeschooling: Home Education

Subject or Curriculum Requirements: Yes

Attendance Age Requirements: 6-18

Record-Keeping Requirements: Yes

Assessments or Evaluations Required: Yes

Proof of Immunization Required: No

Table of Contents

How to Start Homeschooling in New Hampshire

As a new homeschooler, you’ll need to file an initial notice of intent and choose how you’ll teach New Hampshire’s required subjects. You’ll also want to consider opportunities to join social groups and sports teams. All of this (and more) is covered below.  

Homeschool Notification Requirements in New Hampshire

New Hampshire requires you to file a notice when you start homeschooling and when you stop.

Initial Notice of Intent

Within five days of starting instruction at home, you must notify an education official. This can be the Commissioner of the Department of Education, your resident public district superintendent, or the principal of a participating nonpublic school.

Your notification must include the names, addresses, and birth dates of all children participating in your homeschool. You can use the form found here or write your own letter. We suggest keeping a copy for yourself and sending the notification via certified mail so you have confirmation of receipt.

Notice of Termination or Completion

The state also requires notification when you end homeschooling. This could be because you transition your child to public or nonpublic school or because they graduate and end their schooling. 

No matter the cause, you have 15 days from ending your program to notify the Commissioner of the Department of Education, your resident public district superintendent, or the principal of a participating nonpublic school

Mandatory School Age in New Hampshire

Children must start school or home instruction the year they turn 6 before September 30th. 

TIP: Home educators may start instruction earlier but must comply with homeschool laws once their child reaches compulsory school age.

Students must continue their education until they turn 18 or graduate or receive a high school equivalency certificate.

New Hampshire Homeschool Subject Requirements

In New Hampshire, homeschool instruction must include the following subjects:

  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Language
  • Government
  • History
  • Health
  • Reading, writing, and spelling
  • The history of the constitutions of New Hampshire and the United States
  • An exposure to and appreciation of art and music

Home educators have the freedom to choose any curriculum program or educational methods to cover these subjects. You may wish to use the New Hampshire State Model Competencies as a guide, but you don’t have to.

New Hampshire Homeschool Attendance Requirements  

New Hampshire doesn’t specify minimum school days or hours for home schools. Home educators may wish to align with their local districts, which mandate 945 hours/year for elementary and 990 hours/year for high school. However, this is not required.

New Hampshire Homeschool Record-Keeping Requirements 

You must keep a portfolio of records and materials for your homeschool programs and retain it for at least two years. This portfolio must include the following:

  • Reading Materials Log, listing all titles used
  • Samples of writings, worksheets, workbooks, or creative materials used or developed by the child
  • Annual assessment results

You may also wish to maintain an attendance record, a list of courses and grades, and other information that could be helpful when generating future transcripts.


New Hampshire Homeschool Assessments and Evaluations 

Each year, homeschool students must complete an evaluation that shows they’re making adequate progress for their age and ability. 

TIP: You don’t need to send this assessment to the state or local district. Keep it on file at home.

You can choose any one of these options for your annual assessment:

  • Have a certified teacher or a current non-public school teacher evaluate your child’s school portfolio and discuss their findings with the parent or child; or
  • Have your child take any national student achievement test or the state assessment test used by the resident district; or
  • Work with the Commissioner of Education, resident district superintendent, or a nonpublic school principal to create another valid measurement tool.

Required Immunizations for Homeschoolers in New Hampshire

Homeschool students are not required to meet immunization requirements. However, if they wish to take classes or participate in sports or extracurriculars at a public school, they may have to provide proof of immunization or exemption.

Homeschool Organizations, Groups and Co-ops in New Hampshire

Homeschooling families often seek opportunities to enhance their children’s education, promote socialization, and empower their homeschooling journey. 

Families can achieve this by joining homeschool groups, co-ops, or larger associations. These connections can provide valuable resources and opportunities for homeschooling families to engage with other like-minded individuals, share ideas, and learn from each other. Here are three option to get you started:

For more ideas on various homeschool communities, NHHC has an excellent collection of local homeschool groups and co-ops in New Hampshire.

Sports Opportunities for Homeschoolers in New Hampshire

New Hampshire homeschool students can take classes and participate in sports and extracurricular activities at public schools. If you’re interested, contact the district to learn more.

Homeschool students can also participate in homeschool sports leagues or take advantage of community youth sports programs. Here are some examples:

Group Name & Website 
What Sports They Cover 
What Area 
Baseball, soccer, volleyball, flag football, karate, basketball, gymnastics
Throughout New Hampshire
Flag football
Throughout New Hampshire
Baseball, softball
Throughout New Hampshire
Throughout New Hampshire
Football and cheer
Throughout New Hampshire

New Hampshire Homeschool Field Trips 

Homeschoolers have lots of flexibility to schedule enrichment trips and can team up with other homeschool families to qualify for group rates or special programs.

In every season, New Hampshire’s state parks offer lots to see and do. Learn local history at the New Hampshire Historical Society in Concord or tie a literature lesson in with a trip to the Robert Frost Farm in Derry. The SEE Science Center has plenty to offer STEM fans, and the nearby Currier Museum of Art provides a dose of culture.

Special Education Homeschoolers

The district determines how much a homeschooled student can participate in the local school district and which services they can receive. That is the same for homeschooling students with special needs.

The state recognizes that parents have the right to homeschool their children with special needs, but they do not provide a statewide mandate for how they should be included in local school districts. This can lead to diverse experiences for homeschooling students with special needs as they may receive services from one district, but if they move, they may find themselves in a district that does not offer anything.

How Homeschool+ Curriculum Can Help You Homeschool in New Hampshire

Homeschool+ Curriculum programs can help you teach New Hampshire’s required subjects. It includes fully adaptive math and reading programs for children ages 4 to 8; twelve online courses covering art, science, social studies, and more; and robust home educator tools that support your unique homeschool. Each course is customizable and created by curriculum experts.

The freedom and flexibility of Homeschool+ extend to the Home Educator Tools, which include a progress tracker for each child and a lesson planner. 

The Lesson Planner lets you customize the Homeschool+ curriculum by adding, removing, or moving lessons to meet the unique needs of your homeschool. Complete Lesson Plans support offline learning, providing three levels of exploration to take learning into the real world.

Your passion for homeschooling plus our powerful mastery curriculum can help your child build a strong foundation for success.

Learn more about the Homeschool+ Curriculum programs and how they can help your homeschoolers learn and grow.

New Hampshire Homeschool FAQ

Is New Hampshire a homeschool-friendly state?

Overall, New Hampshire is a pretty homeschool-friendly state. The most involved requirement for families is the annual evaluation, but the state offers several options to make it easier for homeschoolers to find one that works for them. 

In New Hampshire, homeschool students can take classes and participate in sports and extracurriculars at public schools. Home educators can choose their curriculum and instructional methods to teach required subjects but are responsible for all costs of their child’s education. Despite these requirements, the state makes it fairly simple to homeschool.

How do New Hampshire homeschoolers receive diplomas or transcripts?

Parents or guardians can issue diplomas and transcripts to homeschool students themselves. The more detailed your educational records, the easier it will be to create transcripts your child can use to apply to college. 

Is unschooling legal in New Hampshire?

Home educators may choose their instructional methods to meet the New Hampshire subject and assessment and requirements. This includes unschooling.

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