
Delaware Homeschool Laws and Resources  

Whether new to homeschooling or a seasoned veteran, Delaware is a great place to start or continue your homeschooling journey. If you’re wondering how to get started, let’s begin with the resources below!

Homeschooling in Delaware Overview 

Notice of Intent Required: Yes, registration with DDOE

2 Options for Homeschooling: Homeschooling as a single-family, Homeschooling as a multi-family

Subject or Curriculum Requirements: No

Attendance Age Requirements: 5-16

Attendance-Keeping Requirements: Yes

Assessments or Evaluations Required: No

Proof of Immunization Required: No

Table of Contents

How to Start Homeschooling in Delaware

Delaware offers a supportive and friendly environment for families who choose to homeschool. Homeschooling in Delaware is legal. Home educators can tailor their child’s education to their unique needs and interests while providing a flexible schedule that can accommodate various learning styles and family needs.

In Delaware, homeschools are called Nonpublic Schools (NPS). You have two options in forming your NPS that comply with the state’s homeschool laws. We’ll break down what they are and how to correctly get set up for success.

Options for Homeschooling in Delaware

Delaware offers two options for formatting your homeschool:

  1. Homeschooling as a single-family homeschool
    1. In this option, a child is primarily educated by their parents/guardians in their home. 
  1. Homeschooling as a multi-family homeschool
    1. A multi-family homeschool requires coordination with other homeschool families. Parents or guardians are educating children from multiple families in their own homes or other facilities. The law requires a group liaison to be appointed. This individual will submit attendance and enrollment records to the Delaware Department of Education (DDOE).

Register With the Delaware Department of Education

After deciding if you want to homeschool as a single- or multi-family, your next step is to register your homeschool with the DDOE.

Delaware has created a great online portal for homeschoolers to register and submit other important information. You’ll need to create an account to manage your homeschool.

  1. Start by visiting the DDOE EdAccess site to apply for an EdAccess account.
  2. Register your homeschool via the Nonpublic School Application.
  3. Print a copy of the Acknowledgement Letter showing you’ve opened an NPS and your child is enrolled. Without this letter, your public school will not withdraw your children, and you could encounter truancy problems. 

Setting up your EdAccess account is essential, as it’s where you’ll submit attendance and enrollment information. You (or the group liaison if opting for a multi-family homeschool) are required to report this information annually to maintain an open and active homeschool status.

TIP: As a homeschooling family, plan to submit reports during these windows:
Enrollment–between August 10th and October 5th
Attendance–between June 1st and July 30th

Qualifications to Homeschool in Delaware

You don’t need any special qualifications to start homeschooling in Delaware. In other words, you do not need a teaching certificate or degree to homeschool your child.

All you need to homeschool is a passion for your child’s education and a willingness to put in the time and effort it requires.

Mandatory School Age in Delaware

Children between the ages of 5 (on or before August 31st of the current school year) and 16 must attend school. Being enrolled in homeschool fulfills this education requirement in Delaware.

Delaware Homeschool Subject & Curriculum Requirements

There are no subject requirements for homeschools in Delaware. The state does not recommend any curriculum, so you can select the approach and materials you feel will most benefit your child. 

Delaware Homeschool Attendance Requirements  

Homeschoolers in Delaware are not required to reach a certain number of education hours each school year. However, you must keep track of school attendance and submit it at the end of the year. You’ll report this information annually in the EdAccess portal between June 1st and July 30th. 

Delaware Homeschool Assessments and Evaluations 

Delaware does not require homeschoolers to participate in standardized tests. If you want periodic assessments, seek private options, as the state does not currently provide testing resources to homeschool families.

Required Immunizations for Homeschoolers in Delaware

Immunizations are not required for homeschoolers in Delaware. If you have immunization records for your child, keep them on file along with your other homeschool records. Delaware does require immunizations for students enrolled in public school but allows medical and religious exemptions. 

Resources for Homeschool Families in Delaware

There are nearly 3,000 homeschools registered in Delaware. Among these are diverse, supportive, and collaborative families. Many homeschooling families join a homeschool group or co-op (short for cooperative) to foster community and friendships. Homeschooling families may also enjoy participating in larger homeschool associations that support and empower area homeschooling families. 

Homeschool Groups and Co-ops in Delaware

Joining a Delaware-area homeschool group or co-op is an excellent way for families to connect with like-minded homeschoolers. These groups and co-ops offer opportunities for socialization, academic enrichment, and collaboration among homeschooling families.

When you are part of a homeschool group and co-op, you can usually expect to enjoy field trips, classes, workshops, and other student activities, as well as friendship and support for parents and guardians. 

The internet is a great place to search for a homeschool group or co-op in Delaware. Check out these popular online groups to start building relationships with fellow homeschoolers.

Homeschool Delaware

Delaware Homeschool Resources and Support

Delaware Secular Homeschoolers

Delaware First State Homeschool

Delaware Christian Homeschool

SLIME Homeschool Co-op

Homeschool Organizations and Associations

You can find a more formal approach to homeschool support through homeschool associations. Delaware does not currently have any official statewide organizations. Support, community, and advocacy are primarily fostered through the state’s many well-organized homeschool groups and co-ops.

Sports Opportunities for Homeschoolers in Delaware

Delaware does not have a law that allows homeschooled students to participate in public school sports. Each school district makes its own decision about homeschoolers joining its sports teams. 

If your student has expressed interest in public school sports, contact their local school for information regarding their district’s policy.

Beyond public school sports, there are many options for homeschoolers to join a team or club. Here are a few popular sports options in Delaware:

Group Name & Website 
What Sports They Cover 
What Area in Delaware  
Basketball, soccer, martial arts, yoga, baseball, volleyball, and more
Bear-Glasgow, Brandywine, Dover, Sussex
All areas of Delaware

Delaware Homeschool Field Trips 

Delaware is flush with opportunities to explore history, art, and nature. Here are five unique field trip ideas for homeschoolers in Delaware:

Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library: This museum is home to one of the most extensive collections of American decorative arts in the world, with over 90,000 objects on display. Homeschoolers can take guided tours, participate in hands-on workshops, and explore the beautiful gardens.

Fort Delaware State Park: Homeschoolers can learn about the history of the Civil War and Fort Delaware’s role in that conflict. They can tour the fort, participate in living history programs, and explore the park.

Delaware Museum of Nature & Science: This museum offers a range of educational programs and exhibits, including a live animal room, a dinosaur exhibit, and a butterfly garden. Homeschoolers can also participate in guided tours and workshops focusing on different aspects of the natural world.

Brandywine Zoo: This small, family-friendly zoo is home to a variety of animals, including tigers, red pandas, and river otters. Homeschoolers can take guided tours, participate in animal encounters, and learn about the zoo’s conservation efforts.

Trap Pond State Park: Homeschoolers can explore one of Delaware’s largest freshwater ponds, which is home to a wide variety of plants and animals. They can enjoy hiking, kayaking, or fishing and learn about the area’s natural history.

When planning your field trip adventures, we recommend utilizing field trip discount offers or special homeschool days. To find them, go to the website associated with your field trip destination and type “homeschool” in the search bar.

Special Education Homeschoolers

Before 2021, special needs homeschoolers were ineligible to receive special education services through the school district or private schools as they were not classified as private school students.

However, SB 106 Delaware Code Annotated Title 14 Section 2703A reclassified homeschoolers with special needs as private school students so that they could take advantage of special services funded through federal and state money.

This was an impactful move by the state legislature and granted access to services to homeschooling families who needed them for their students. Today, special needs homeschoolers can work with their school districts to gain access to the supports their students need.

How Homeschool+ Curriculum Can Help You Homeschool in Delaware

As a homeschool parent, you’re likely interested in providing a customized and appropriately-paced education for your child. Homeschool+ Curriculum programs let you do just that. They include fully adaptive math and reading programs for children ages 4 to 8; twelve online courses covering art, science, social studies, and more; and robust home educator tools that support your unique homeschool. Each course is customizable and created by curriculum experts.

The freedom and flexibility of Homeschool+ extend to the Home Educator Tools, which include a progress tracker for each child and a lesson planner. 

The Lesson Planner lets you customize the Homeschool+ curriculum by adding, removing, or moving lessons to meet the unique needs of your homeschool. Complete Lesson Plans support offline learning, providing three levels of exploration to take learning into the real world.

Your passion for homeschooling plus our powerful mastery curriculum can help your child build a strong foundation for success.

Learn more about the Homeschool+ Curriculum programs and how they can help your homeschoolers learn and grow.

Delaware Homeschool FAQ

Does Delaware pay for homeschooling?  

Currently there is no funding provided for Delaware homeschools. 

How much does it cost to homeschool in Delaware?  

There are no state fees associated with registering your homeschool with the Delaware Department of Education. However, costs may be associated with the curriculum and resources you select. 

TIP: The local library is a great asset for keeping homeschooling more affordable for many families.

Is Delaware homeschool friendly? 

Yes. Delaware is among the most homeschool-friendly states with minimal requirements around qualifications, curriculum, and education hours.

Is unschooling legal in Delaware?  

Yes, it is legal to unschool in Delaware. Families who choose unschooling are free to let their child’s interests guide their learning. However, unschooling families are required to register their NPS with the DDOE and submit enrollment and attendance records.

How do I enroll my child in public school after homeschooling in Delaware? 

You’ll need to contact the local school district to learn their specific process for enrolling a child in public school after homeschooling. The school district will determine grade-level placement. 

TIP: During public school enrollment (and college admissions), it’s helpful to have accurate records of your child’s subject proficiency.

How do Delaware homeschoolers get a diploma?  

Because the DDOE does not enforce homeschool graduation rules, home educators can create the education requirements their child needs to graduate. Once your student has met those parameters, home educators graduate them and sign their diploma! 

When creating a custom graduation framework, we recommend assessing what requirements are in place for your child’s post-high school plans. Consider prerequisites for college admission, technical school, or military service. 

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