
How Fellow Home Educators Pick Their Homeschool Curriculum

Three homeschoolers share their best advice for choosing a homeschool curriculum.

Try These 8 Steps

Finding the best homeschool curriculum for your child can feel like an overwhelming task. There are so many options out there! If you feel like your thoughts are spinning out of control when picking curriculum, it can be helpful to shift your mindset. Take that energy and transform it into being thankful for all of the available resources because that means that there’s something out there that will be the right fit.

To make your decision process easier, here are a few things that you can do:

1. Jot down what you actually need. It’s common to think you need #allthethings to do this homeschool thing well. Well, there are only so many minutes in a day! Make note of the subjects that you are required to teach. Then, add two to three subjects or enrichment areas if you feel like you have the time, energy, and money for them.

2. Research. This step includes your family’s belief system and budget, as well as practical considerations (like storage space).

3. Consider your personal and family schedule. Do you need a curriculum that is flexible or open-and-go? Are you working with multiple ages and need a curriculum that allows them to work together?

4. Make a list of your top 3 choices for each subject (or curriculum set). If you have a catalog, cut out your picks. For online options,  print out your selections or bookmark them in your browser.

5. Share your picks with your kids. Get their feedback on each of your choices.

6. Ask other homeschoolers. You can find out if homeschool families in your area have used that curriculum or ask online in Facebook groups or forums.

7. Read reviews. Do an online search of the curriculum you’re considering to learn about other homeschoolers’ experiences with them.

8. Go with your gut. By this point, you’ve put a lot of work into finding a homeschool curriculum that will work for your kids. Narrow down that list and go for it!

Does It Fit Your Family’s Needs?

Choosing the best homeschool curriculum really depends on a few factors:

  • Your goals 
  • What the curriculum includes 
  • Its adaptability
  • Your child’s interest level

When considering your goals, it’s important to think about what your child’s learning standards are and how you can achieve them. For instance, if your goal is to have your child learn letter sounds by the end of the school year, you’ll need to take a look at the state standards, find a curriculum that supports those standards, see if there are ways to adapt the content if your child needs modifications, and ensure your child is interested in learning with that particular curriculum. 

Many curriculum bundles will offer programs for reading, writing, and/or math specifically, but there are some companies that offer all of the subject areas together to provide cross-curricular learning opportunities for your child.

In my experience, I’ve realized that what the curriculum includes is just as valuable as how it can support your child. We all know that learning should be meaningful and fun, but what happens when we choose a curriculum that bores them or doesn’t connect with the way they learn? It can become draining and ineffective, and we certainly don’t want that. 

Homeschooling is all about making your child’s educational experience work for your family! Spend some time doing research and see what curriculum would best fit your and your child’s needs and remember, make it fun every chance you get! You’ll know you made the best choice when your child is learning, having fun, and wants to do more with the curriculum you chose.

Consider Core Academics + Extras

The first thing I look for in an all-around curriculum is a solid foundation in the core subjects: math, language arts and reading, social studies, and science. 

For each of these subjects, I look at the scope and sequence, which lists the different topics or objectives covered. Here, I’m looking for meaningful academic content (not busy work) that’s organized in a logical way.

Once I’m satisfied that core areas are covered, I look for those extras that really make a curriculum stand out. These usually fall into one of two categories:

  • Fun electives
  • Parent features and support

Art, music, or a foreign language can be great add-ons to the routine of basic academics. If a curriculum includes these, and I don’t have to go source it from somewhere else, that’s icing on the cake! 

Lastly, it’s appreciated when the curriculum can do some of the heavy lifting for me, the home educator. I know that easy lesson planning, progress tracking or data feedback (if the resource is digital), and supplemental activities will save me tons of time and headaches. 

When a curriculum checks all of these boxes for me–or your own designated boxes–I feel like I’m getting a good value and then some.

Quick Tips for Picking Your Homeschool Curriculum

  • Jot down what you and your child(ren) truly need. 
  • Do your research and read reviews. 
  • Consider your personal and family schedule. 
  • Share your top choices with your kids and get their feedback.
  • Ask other homeschoolers in person or online in groups or forums. 
  • Look for tools that will support you, the home educator. 
  • Check for core academics, as well as extras, like music, art, and foreign languages.
  • Go with your gut.

Looking for more information on how to choose a homeschool curriculum? Find more insights and tips here.

Home Educators Need a Curriculum That Supports Their Goals.

The Homeschool+ curriculum offers online courses, lessons, and home educator tools, combined with offline lesson plans and activities to help build a personalized learning environment for children aged 4 to 8.

Our curriculum includes:

  • An adaptive math and reading curriculum that covers four years of learning with interactive, expertly designed educational activities
  • Nineteen courses covering language arts, science, social studies, art, music, and Spanish
  • Robust home educator tools, including a Lesson Planner hub for customizing the Homeschool+ curriculum, complete Lesson Plans to support offline learning, and a Progress Tracker, helping you monitor each child’s progress and aid in meeting record-keeping requirements.

See if Homeschool+ is right for you.